Misconceptions About Medical Coverage After an Aurora Car Accident
While there are many misconceptions about medical coverage after an Aurora car accident, it is important to realize the benefits of Colorado’s medical payments coverage and how they can be used. If you have questions regarding this type of plan, do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process and explain its potential benefits. Read on to learn more about the different misconceptions about medical coverage after an Aurora car accident, as well as the ways a professional collision lawyer could help your case.
Individuals Without Medical Payments Coverage
Depending on an individual’s insurance company, if they do not have medical payments coverage, it could make the situation more difficult when resolving cases. Regardless, it will not affect the amount that an individual is able to recover compensation for. If someone has $10,000 in medical damages and they were not at fault for causing the accident, they would still be able to claim that amount in a personal injury case. They simply would not have that $5,000 in non-subrogation payments.
Medical payments coverage does not have any subrogation rights. Often with insurance companies and health care providers, an insurance company will pay an individual’s medical bill but then seeks repayment for whatever they paid on their behalf. That is not what medical payments coverage does. An individual does not have to pay it back at any point, and their premiums should not be affected by an insurance policy if they are not at fault.
Common Misconceptions
One of the most common misconceptions about medical coverage after an Aurora car accident is that it is expensive. Medical payments coverage is actually quite reasonable for the protection that a driver gains with it. Another fear is the notion that using the coverage will make someone’s premiums go up or that their insurance company will take some type of retaliatory action. This is untrue, as Colorado law prohibits an insurer from raising a premium if the individual was not at fault for causing the claim they are making. If someone was in a collision and had $5,000 in medical payments coverage, they can still use that money without their premiums going up.
Coverage Benefits
While there are many misconceptions about medical coverage after an Aurora car accident, everyone should know that medical payments coverage is one of the best bargains to have on a policy if they are involved in a collision. A lot of the times individuals may not have the ability to purchase health insurance, but for a reasonable price, they can still attain medical payments coverage.
Even if it is a minor accident and someone thinks they may be okay, it is still important to get checked out by a doctor and ensure that there are no underlying injuries. Medical payments coverage allows an individual to make a visit to a medical professional after an accident that is essentially pre-paid so that they do not have an outstanding bill from the hospital.
If you have additional questions regarding the misconceptions about medical coverage after an Aurora car accident, reach out to a qualified collision lawyer today for your initial consultation.