Steps to Take following an Aurora Truck Accident Involving Bad Weather
After being involved in a truck accident, you should call the police, get witness statements, and make sure you have insurance and employer information to seek medical attention. If someone is involved in a truck accident caused by bad weather, there is usually some driver negligence involved.
It is important that a police officer gets your side of the story, especially if the truck driver was negligent in any way. Speak with a skilled truck accident attorney about what steps to take following an Aurora truck accident involving bad weather and whether you have a valid claim for damages.
Determining how Dangerous Weather Can Impact Liability in a Truck Accident
If the weather is bad, but an individual is still driving too fast for conditions or not using precautions, an individual cannot blame nature as a non-party. The driver may need to address their speed or the presence, or lack thereof, chains on their tires. Courts may also need to consider whether the brakes or the cargo were checked prior to getting on the road. There is still fault on the part of the truck driver despite the bad weather. Steps to take following an Aurora truck accident involving bad weather can include doing the proper research to present a strong claim for damages.
Proving Weather Conditions Were the Cause of a Collision
A person can rely on their cell phone footage, pictures, and hired weatherman to offer testimony regarding the weather condition on a specific date, but there is weather underground that most courts will take judicial notice of or the Farmer’s Almanac, which shows what the weather was like on that specific day.
It can be important for a lawyer to speak with the truck driver and their employer. They should discuss the evidence from the police officer and the investigator report, talk to independent witnesses if there are any, and make sure that there are pictures and photographs of the scene.
Filing Truck Crash Claims for One-Vehicle Crashes
Single-car truck accidents most likely become a worker’s complaint before they are bodily injury claims because nobody else is at fault for the accident. Probably the person’s only option as a truck driver is to go through the person’s worker’s complaint. It can be critical to contact an attorney about steps to take following an Aurora truck accident involving bad weather before filing a claim.
If the person is a passenger or the driver of their own vehicle and got caught up in weather condition, the person is out of luck unless they have med-pay benefits, which are only $5,000 in Colorado. If the accident is the person’s fault for not driving reasonably in bad weather, they can be held liable for any damages that result from a subsequent trucking accident. No one says the person has to drive in bad weather, it is a choice to drive through a blizzard, and individuals must take the correct precautions.