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Psychological Evaluation for Denver Mental Illness Social Security Benefits

When a person is looking to obtain social security benefits for mental illness, they may have to undergo a psychological evaluation. This evaluation is done for two reasons. The first is to get a second opinion from another mental health professional who does not regularly treat the claimant. The second reason is to complete any absence of medical evidence supporting the claimant’s condition.

If you are preparing for a psychological evaluation for Denver mental illness social security benefits, be sure to get in touch with a knowledgeable attorney for help. A seasoned lawyer could walk you through the details of your evaluation and help you recover mental illness benefits.

What Does the Evaluation Consist of and Who Conducts It?

Once Social Security selects independent medical evaluators, the psychological evaluation for Denver mental illness social security benefits consists of meeting with the claimant and reviewing medical records. This meeting is so that the consultative examiner could make a diagnosis regarding the claimant or determine whether they agree with the diagnosis made by other mental health professionals.

During a mental status examination, someone should expect to be subjected to a written questionnaire that they need to fill out. They might also be interviewed by a doctor. In addition, the individual may be required to present their medical evidence as established in the medical record that they presented or that they provided to Social Security and to answer questions regarding the medical record.

The important point underlying the examination is that if a claimant has little or no supporting medical evidence of mental impairment, it is going to be difficult to win a case with merely the determination made by a consultative examiner assigned by Social Security in the course of a 30-minute or one-hour examination.

Evaluating Objective and Subjective Evidence

Objective evidence is evidence determined by the diagnosis of a doctor as supported by various tests that the doctor subjects the claimant to. On the other hand, a claimant’s version of what is happening to them might be called subjective evidence. The SSA evaluates subjective evidence with objective evidence. Data regarding the physical examination, such as x-rays and MRIs, is an example of an objective finding. For more information about the evidence that may be reviewed and how it may impact one’s claim, contact an experienced SSDI lawyer.

Evaluating Mental Illness Claims When an Individual Abuses Drugs or Alcohol

The SSA evaluates mental illness claims when an individual abuses drugs or alcohol by considering them an addict or alcoholic. If a person is currently using alcohol and there has been no attempt to get counseling or enter programs attempting to get off of alcohol, the claimant would likely be denied. Generally, by the time a claimant enters the hearing room, the judge would consider drug or alcohol use only if it is in the remote past. The further it is in the past, the better.

If a claimant hopes to go into the courtroom and says that they stopped drinking alcohol or using drugs a month ago, they are unlikely to obtain benefits. By contrast, if a claimant comes to a judge at their hearing and says that the last time they used drugs or alcohol was three years ago, but their liver is now in cirrhosis, they may be more likely to receive benefits. A judge would consider a claimant who abuses drugs or alcohol if they continue to abuse drugs or alcohol as of the time the hearing is held.

Reach Out to an Attorney Today

If you are looking to obtain social security benefits for mental health impairments, you may have to undergo a psychological evaluation. The psychological evaluation for Denver mental illness social security benefits is done to get a better idea of your mental health condition. The results of this examination could have a significant impact on your case, depending on the outcome. For more information regarding this subject, contact a lawyer today.

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