Tips for Driving Safely Through Fog in Denver
Different parts of Colorado receive different amounts of fog throughout the year. Denver and Boulder can see quite a bit of fog throughout the year since they are higher north, while Colorado Springs will only see fog after a very cool night. But even in those areas that do not experience as much fog as others, it is important for drivers to know how to keep themselves safe. Driving in fog can quickly become dangerous.
All drivers should slow down as soon as they enter into fog. Even light fog can greatly reduce visibility and cause a driver to crash into another vehicle or object simply because they did not see it until it was too late. Drivers should also keep an eye on their speedometer. Because fog will prevent drivers from seeing the objects and landscaping they are passing, they can easily forget just how fast they are actually traveling. Understanding these tips for driving safely though the fog is crucial for avoiding collisions. If an accident does occur, individuals should contact skilled car accident attorneys quickly for help concerning potential compensation.
Increasing Visibility
Lights should be used whenever driving in fog in Denver, even during the daytime. Because visibility is reduced, keeping the lights on will help make one car more visible as they approach from the front or back of the car. While headlights should be running when driving through fog, the high-beam lights should never be used. Fog is made up of tiny droplets of water and when bright light strikes these, it will only reflect the light back into the car. This can make it even harder for drivers to see.
When cars have fog lights installed on them, these should always be used during fog. These are separate from the headlights and are typically narrow strips on the front and rear bumper. Just like turning on the headlights, keeping fog lights on will also make the car more visible to other drivers.
Safely Turning
In addition to not being able to see other cars and drivers, it can also be difficult to see turns and bends in the road. This can cause drivers to sometimes run off the road, or into oncoming traffic. The lines on the road can be used as a guide, but drivers should always use the white line close to the shoulder of the road, and not the middle line. Using the middle line as a guide can cause a driver to inadvertently steer towards oncoming traffic, and those drivers may also not be able to see that a car is inching closer.
When fog is particularly bad, Denver drivers may be tempted to stop until the fog clears and they can continue on their way. This can be a safe alternative to driving in fog, but it has to be done safely. Drivers should never stop on a roadway for any reason. Instead, it is important to find a safe place to pull over; and that place should be as far away from traffic as possible.
Speak with a Lawyer After a Fog-Related Car Wreck
Even experienced drivers can run into trouble when a heavy fog hits. It is important for all Denver drivers to be aware of these tips in order to keep safe when driving in fog. If you were hurt in a crash, you might have legal options for compensation that a seasoned attorney could go over with you. To learn more, give us a call today.