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My Lawyer is Amy G!
Colorado Injury Firm

Common Causes of Dog Bites in Loveland

Despite their reputation as our best friends, dogs can inflict serious wounds, such as puncture marks and bone breaks, seemingly without warning. When a dog attack leads to an infection, broken bones, or painful bruising, laws are in place to help you find financial relief. By pursuing a claim against the pet’s owner, you could find closure, secure compensation, and protect the public from the dangerous dog.

Many casualties of the common causes of dog bites in Loveland have called our respected dog bite attorneys to guide them. We understand the physical and psychological traumas these vicious events can inflict on you and your loved ones. Our lawyers could help you prepare the necessary legal paperwork, such as complaints and motions, to seek justice on your behalf.

What Causes Domesticated Dogs to Bite?

Even the most docile dog has a breaking point, and it can be difficult for a person to know what might trigger it. Common factors that may cause a dog to lash out and injure a human or other animal include the following:

  • Situations where there are valuable resources present (e.g., toys, food, or socks)
  • Circumstances where the animal believes it is in danger (e.g., the dog is cornered or being teased or abused)
  • The dog’s illness or pain (e.g., stomach issues, painful joint problems)
  • Situations involving (from the dog’s perspective) a perceived threat to their human or animal friends (e.g., a threatening person walks or breaks into the house)

An owner who leaves their dog outside alone or allows them to roam the neighborhood without proper supervision can put others in danger. Likewise, a person not informing a visitor of their pet’s unpredictable behavior can lead to altercations that could have been avoided. For example, when the dog does not respond well to children being in the house or near them, the animal’s caregiver should communicate this to guests.

Loveland residents should be able to move about their neighborhoods and other places in their community without fearing an injury due to common causes of dog bites. When an unsuspecting person sustains harm because of a physical altercation with a pet due to no obvious fault of their own, they may qualify for a settlement from the owner. An attorney with valuable experience in these legal matters could investigate the chain of events that led to the incident and determine the casualty’s options.

When Can an Injured Person Seek Compensation After Being Bitten By a Canine?

The dog bite liability law, found in Colorado Revised Statutes § 13-21-124, allows eligible casualties to hold pet parents accountable for their companion’s actions and try to obtain restitution. To accomplish this, an injured party needs to show they meet the requirements to do so. They must take this step within the required window of time and show the animal did not have justification for its actions.

While the details of each situation may call for a different result, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-102 mandates a general two-year deadline for most dog bite claims. However, a minor child may have additional time to file a lawsuit. For example, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-81-103 allows a child to submit a complaint within two years after they turn 18 or the court names a legal representative for them.

A seasoned lawyer in Loveland recognizes many contexts that may commonly cause a dog to bite someone. These attacks can leave damage from minor cuts and bruises to amputations or death. An attorney could use their extensive knowledge and skills to identify pathways an injured person can pursue to receive a compensation package.

Call a Loveland Attorney to Learn More about Common Causes of Dog Bites

When you are a casualty of one of the many common causes of dog bites in Loveland, you may face a lengthy and costly recovery process. During this time, you may have to undergo life-saving treatment for an infection, such as staphylococcus or rabies, through no fault of your own. Financial relief may be possible by taking your grievances to court with the help of a lawyer.

Our knowledgeable team could fight for you and your family as you recover from the trauma of the attack and its lasting impacts. We respect your vulnerability and anger and could collaborate with you to find ways to help you get a settlement and recognition for what you have gone through. Contact our law firm today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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