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My Lawyer is Amy G!
Colorado Injury Firm

Teen Driver Car Accidents in Colorado Springs

While most people driving on public Colorado roads are old enough to be considered legal adults, it is hardly uncommon to come across teenagers who have just gotten their licenses or are still driving with a learner’s permit. Even when a teen driver is not an adult in the eyes of state law, they can—and unfortunately often do—still cause serious injuries and substantial property damage in motor vehicle collisions.

When you are involved in a teen driver car accident in Colorado Springs, the process of pursuing financial compensation for your losses is complex. Guidance from a seasoned car accident lawyer at our firm is crucial to getting a favorable case result and maximizing available compensation under such circumstances. Call today to learn more about how we could help you pursue a claim for your injuries.

Are Teen Drivers More Likely to Cause Accidents?

It would be unfair and untrue to say that every teenager in Colorado is an irresponsible driver. That said, CDC data shows drivers aged 16 to 19 are more likely to cause accidents than any other age group. Likewise, newly licensed drivers are particularly prone to getting into wrecks due to their lack of general driving experience.

Teenagers also tend to be more likely to engage in reckless and careless actions while driving, ranging from overt traffic violations like speeding to irresponsible actions like driving while distracted or fatigued. Although no teenager can legally consume alcohol in Colorado Springs, teen drivers often cause auto accidents when driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Is a Parent Liable for a Teen Driver’s Negligence?

Contrary to what some people might think, Colorado state law allows injured drivers to hold a teen directly liable for the consequences of a crash they caused. That said, teen drivers rarely have the assets or insurance coverage necessary to make up for the losses that a serious traffic accident results in, especially when they depend financially on their parents or guardians.

Accordingly, it is often prudent to hold the parent or guardian of a teen driver liable for a car crash under what is known as the “family car doctrine.” As a knowledgeable lawyer in Colorado Springs could further explain, the doctrine holds the vehicle’s owner liable for the actions of anyone driving their car.

The claimant filing suit under this doctrine must prove that the car’s owner is the head of the household where the driver resides, that they gave express or implicit permission for the driver to use the car, and that the driver’s negligent operation was the direct cause of the damages for which compensation is being sought.

Speak With an Attorney in Colorado Springs About Teen Driver Car Accident Litigation

While teenagers learning to drive for the first time deserve a bit of leeway for small errors along the way, that does not mean they should not be held accountable when they cause a motor vehicle wreck. In a situation like this, working closely with seasoned legal counsel could make a substantial difference in your ability to recover compensation for the injuries and losses you experienced in the wreck.

After a teen driver car accident in Colorado Springs, contacting a car accident lawyer should be one of your top priorities. Schedule a confidential consultation with our legal team members by calling today.

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Colorado Springs
415 N Tejon St
Colorado Springs CO 80903
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Main Office (Denver)
3801 E. Florida Ave.
Suite 100

Denver Colorado 80210
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Thornton Office
8515 Pearl St
 Suite 201

Thornton CO 80229
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Denver Second Office
5353 West Dartmouth Avenue
Suite 504-A

Denver CO 80227
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14111 E. Alameda Ave.
Suite 303

Aurora Colorado 80012