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Colorado Injury Firm

Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Lakewood

When you are injured on the job, it is normal to wonder if you would be able to cover your medical bills and living expenses. For most people, their job is their primary source of income, and not being able to work can feel like a curse. Luckily, workers’ compensation can provide injured employees with the income they need to survive.

After an injury, workers must file a workers’ compensation claim with their employer. If it is approved, they may receive compensation. However, if their claim is denied, they may have to file an appeal or attend a hearing with the insurance company. This could be frustrating, and more than likely, you would need to enlist the services of a skilled attorney if you wish to obtain your workers’ compensation benefits in Lakewood after an initial denial.

What is Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance employers with a certain number of employees are required to obtain. It provides injured employees with the income they need to support themselves and their households until they are well enough to return to work. Whether the employee caused their own injury is irrelevant, and even if an employee is at fault, they would usually still be able to file for compensation, unless there are exceptions.

Workers’ compensation is beneficial to both employers and employees. If an employee is injured, they can receive financial compensation, but they cannot file a personal injury claim against their employer.

When it comes to workers’ compensation benefits in Lakewood, the amount an injured worker receives is capped by law. In general, an employee would only receive a portion of their regular monthly income (usually up to 80 percent of their normal income). As a worker begins to reassume their job duties, the amount they receive would steadily decrease over time.

Although workers’ comp benefits can cover medical bills and living expenses, it does not take physical and mental suffering into consideration like a lawsuit.

Injuries Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation

As previously stated, the majority of on-the-job injuries are covered by worker’s compensation insurance, regardless of who causes them. However, there are notable exceptions to this rule. The following types of injuries and illnesses may not be covered by workers’ compensation:

• Injuries caused by horseplay or inappropriate behavior
• Injuries resulting from the physical environment, such as the inhalation of toxic substances
• Mental disorders exacerbated by a job
• Injuries occurring off the clock
• Injuries caused by malfunctioning equipment

If an injury is caused by the environment or malfunctioning equipment, an injured worker may still be able to obtain compensation by filing suit against the maker of the equipment or building materials. In some states, certain types of workers, such as undocumented and private domestic workers may not be eligible for compensation.

Claim Denials

Unfortunately, insurance companies do have the right to deny a claim. This is usually done when an insurance company does not believe a worker is truly injured. Even when an employee submits sufficient evidence, they may still be shocked to find their claim has been denied. With the help of a Lakewood attorney, they may be able to get the benefits they deserve, even after a denial.

Contact an Attorney Who Understands Lakewood Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you have any questions about filing a workers’ compensation claim, or if your initial claim has been denied, a skilled lawyer may be able to assist you. With the guidance and advice of a legal professional, you may be able to fight back against the insurance company that denied your claim and get the benefits you need to maintain your standard of living. Contact an attorney who understands the ins and outs of workers’ compensation benefits in Lakewood today.

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