What to Do After a Workplace Accident in Colorado Springs
The steps you take in the moments, hours and, days after a workplace accident are crucial not only to your physical health but also to the compensation you can recover. When you are injured at work, you are generally eligible for benefits through the state workers’ compensation system. However, a successful claim is never guaranteed.
When you need clarification about what steps to take next, a skilled workers’ compensation attorney could advise you on what to do after a workplace accident in Colorado Springs. It is imperative that you take action right away to protect your rights and treat your injuries.
Seek Medical Treatment
After an accident at work, a person’s health must be their top priority. This means seeking medical attention as soon as possible. In some cases, immediate medical care could be the difference between life and death. In other instances, seeking the advice of a doctor could be the difference between a full recovery and a permanent disability.
Receiving medical treatment is also important for a workers’ compensation case. It is necessary to document these injuries, and the medical records generated by a doctor’s visit can be invaluable. In Colorado Springs, employers have the right to provide an injured worker with a list of approved physicians.
Report the Injury
It is necessary to let an employer in Colorado Springs know about a work-related injury as soon as possible. While reporting the accident right away is ideal, many people are not in a condition to do so because of the harm they sustained. However, waiting too long to report an accident could result in a claim denial.
Keep Track of Evidence
Many vital documents come with a workplace injury. Most places of business will create incident reports documenting how the injury occurred. Physicians also typically generate extensive medical records as they treat these injuries.
Each of these documents could play an essential role in the workers’ compensation process. Therefore, keeping track of these documents and ensuring they are available upon request is critical. An attorney in Colorado Springs could help with managing this process.
Understand Workers’ Compensation Benefits
There are specific benefits available through the workers’ compensation system. It is helpful to understand what these benefits cover. A successful claim will generally cover all the medical costs that stem from the injury—now and in the future.
There are other workers’ compensation benefits that go beyond the cost of medical treatment. Workers can also receive disability benefits based on their inability to maintain employment due to injury. These benefits vary depending on whether a disability is temporary or permanent. They can also vary based on if a person is fully disabled or if they are able to maintain a limited degree of employment. A dedicated lawyer in Colorado Springs could help an injured worker understand the types of benefits that might be available and advise them on what to do next.
Call an Attorney in Colorado Springs About Your Workplace Accident
One of the most important steps to take following a workplace accident is calling an attorney. You have the right to rely on strong legal counsel for every step of your claim.
If you are still unsure what to do after a workplace accident in Colorado Springs, a consultation with a knowledgeable attorney could provide the answer. Call us today to learn more.