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My Lawyer is Amy G!
Colorado Injury Firm

Rear-End Car Accidents in Loveland

Rear-end collisions tend to be less dangerous compared to other types of auto accidents, but they can still leave you with long-lasting injuries and losses. Filing suit and demanding civil compensation from the person responsible for the accident can be challenging, especially if you try to do it alone.

After a rear-end car accident in Loveland, seeking help from experienced legal counsel can be a vital first step toward achieving a successful case result and getting the restitution you deserve. A knowledgeable car accident lawyer could help build a strong civil claim against the person who ran into you and navigate common procedural roadblocks that might otherwise get in your way during the legal process.

How Fault Works in Rear-End Car Crash Claims

A majority of rear-end car accidents are the fault of the driver in back, but that does not mean every crash of this type follows this rule, or that courts will assume any particular person is to blame for causing injury. Anyone who wants to recover civil compensation for injuries sustained in a rear-end wreck will need to prove the other person involved in the incident was legally negligent.

This means the injured party must prove the circumstances leading to their injury meet all the following criteria:

  • The defendant being sued owed a duty of care to the plaintiff filing suit, requiring the former to act responsibly to reduce their risk of injuring the latter
  • The defendant did something reckless, careless, or illegal to breach their duty
  • The defendant’s breach of duty was the main cause of an accident
  • The accident directly caused all the losses for which the plaintiff is seeking civil restitution

A seasoned car accident attorney in Loveland could provide vital assistance with establishing breach of duty and fault for a rear-end collision.

Limitations on Civil Lawsuits

Colorado “caps” the total amount of money personal injury victims can recover for non-economic forms of harm, such as physical pain and emotional anguish. The most recently established caps are $642,180 for most cases, or $1,284,370 if a plaintiff can show the smaller cap would be unfair.

The statutory filing deadline on car accident claims is shorter than other types of personal injury claims: three years from the date of the original injury, instead of the usual two years. This is a fairly small window of time to build a claim, but an attorney could make sure a lawsuit is filed before the deadline for anyone injured in a rear-end car accident in Loveland.

Contact a Loveland Attorney for Help After a Rear-End Car Accident

From whiplash and lacerations to life-altering spine and brain damage, rear-end collisions can cause all manner of injuries resulting in a wide variety of financial and personal losses. You may have a right to demand civil recovery for all your losses from this incident if you can prove someone else specifically at fault for causing them.

Guidance is available throughout the legal process from a tenacious car accident lawyer with a track record of case success. Call today to discuss your options following a rear-end car accident in Loveland.

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Suite 100

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 Suite 201

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Suite 504-A

Denver CO 80227
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