Rollover Car Accidents in Loveland
A variety of situations can result in a vehicle rolling over and causing injuries to the people inside. Usually, these incidents result from a sudden jerk of the steering wheel to avoid other vehicles or hazards on the road. However, a car may also roll over after a collision with another vehicle or from colliding with debris or garbage.
When someone else is responsible for a rollover crash that leaves you injured, you have the right to hold them accountable for your physical, emotional, and financial losses. Our experienced car crash lawyers have experience handling rollover car accidents in Loveland and could work with you to pursue the payments you need.
Rollover Accidents Can Be Devastating
Rollover accidents are serious events. Even a single flip onto the side of a vehicle may result in a person hitting their head on a window or crushing injuries affecting their arms or legs on the specific side. When a car goes completely upside down or takes multiple rolls, these injuries can be far more severe. It is not unusual for drivers and passengers to become trapped in a vehicle during a rollover.
Anytime that another person’s driving or carelessness in allowing dangers to be on the road causes a rollover, that person is liable for all resulting damage. This includes paying for an injured person’s necessary medical care, as well as compensating for reductions in their quality of life. A rollover car accident attorney in Loveland could work to identify negligent parties and hold them accountable.
Do Not Wait to Take Action After a Rollover Wreck
Under Colorado Revised Statute § 13-80-102, injured parties have two years from the date of an accident to take legal action. Failing to file within this timeframe can leave someone unable to recover any compensation at all.
Two years may seem like a long time, but rollover cases can be complex legal matters. These cases may require extensive investigations into the source of the crash and could necessitate demands for compensation from multiple parties. In addition, the full extent of a victim’s losses may not be apparent for weeks or months after the accident. An experienced Loveland attorney is prepared to take all necessary steps to bring a rollover car accident case forward in a thorough but quick manner.
Discuss Your Rollover Car Accident Case With a Loveland Lawyer
All drivers who cause accidents through their negligence have an obligation under the law to provide full compensation to victims. This may even apply when they do not make direct contact with another vehicle but nevertheless cause an accident. Rollovers are a key example of this concept. If a driver causes a rollover by leaving items on the road or by otherwise causing another to make a sudden turn, they are liable for all resulting losses.
After a rollover car accident in Loveland, filing a civil claim for compensation is probably the last thing on your mind. However, you have the right to fair and prompt compensation. Talking with an attorney could be the first step towards collecting the payments that you deserve. Our attorneys are prepared to explain the relevant laws, investigate the cause of your crash, measure your losses, and stand up to defendants and their insurance companies on your behalf. Give us a call today to get started.