Loveland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
No matter the specific reason behind it, deciding to place a family member in the full-time care of a nursing home or assisted living facility can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. While most care facilities provide considerate and diligent care, there are outliers. Negligent nursing home staff can cause catastrophic harm to vulnerable elderly people who may not be able to take meaningful action to stop it.
If you have any suspicion that your family member is being neglected, abused, or mistreated in any way inside an assisted living facility or nursing home, it may fall to you to retain a dedicated personal injury attorney and take legal action on their behalf. With a compassionate Loveland nursing home abuse lawyer on your side, you could more efficiently put a stop to any mistreatment affecting your loved one and demand compensation for harm already done to them.
When to Take Action Over Suspected Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse can be difficult to take effective legal action over. Even attentive family members often do not realize that anything is wrong. There are numerous forms of mistreatment that may occur inside a nursing home without causing easily noticeable symptoms in the people affected by it. Additionally, individual residents might be unwilling or unable to report abuse or neglect for fear of future retaliation.
It is crucial for family members of nursing home residents to be proactive about investigating signs of potential mistreatment, such as:
- Sudden changes in a resident’s weight, personality, or mood
- Unsanitary living conditions in public or private areas
- Any stage of bedsore development
- Refusal by staff members to leave residents alone with visitors
- Consistent small injuries or illnesses
- Bruising or chafing around a resident’s wrists or ankles
In some cases, minor instances of neglect and abuse can be addressed by speaking with individual staff members and/or facility administrators without getting a court involved. In more serious situations, a Loveland nursing home abuse attorney could help immediately remove a resident from a dangerous situation, potentially with help from law enforcement if necessary.
What Damages Are Available in Nursing Home Abuse Claims?
While financial restitution alone cannot erase the physical and psychological trauma that nursing home abuse victims have already experienced, it can help mitigate the effects of specific financial and personal losses. For example, a comprehensive nursing home abuse lawsuit could seek restitution for medical expenses necessitated by the abuse, physical pain and discomfort, psychological distress, and lost overall quality of life. If nursing home mistreatment in Loveland directly causes a resident’s premature death, a skilled lawyer could help surviving family members of that resident seek restitution for their own ensuing losses through a wrongful death claim.
A Loveland Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Could Help
Any form of mistreatment inside an assisted living facility or nursing home is an unacceptable violation of the rights of facility residents. If your loved one has had their rights violated in this way, you could be able to help them pursue fair financial recovery.
Assistance is available from a compassionate Loveland nursing home abuse lawyer. Schedule your free consultation by calling today.