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Treating Doctor’s Report in Denver SSDI Cases

A treating doctor’s report is a report that an individual will receive when they see their doctor. A report can be anything from the doctor checking boxes to the doctor authoring a narrative regarding the claimant’s condition from a given time up to the present. If you have any questions regarding the treating doctor’s report in Denver SSDI cases, reach out to an experienced lawyer. A knowledgeable SSDI lawyer could help you understand the process of applying and qualifying for benefits.

Role of a Doctor’s Report in SSDI Cases

The treating doctor’s report in Denver SSDI cases is foundational to determining disability. Without the records of treating physicians and medical personnel, the Social Security Administration does not have any basis for deciding disability. Consequently, Social Security will determine that the claimant is not qualified to receive disability. The burden of proof of disability is to some degree on the claimant to demonstrate their disability through their medical records. In the absence of medical records, it is highly likely that the claimant will not receive a determination of disability. In fact, it may not even be possible to be determined disabled without the judge resting their determination on some sort of medical record.

Could a Treating Doctor’s Report be Called Into Question Following a Consultative Exam?

It is possible for the consultative examiner not to have enough information to determine a claimant’s disability and eligibility for benefits. The doctor’s opinions can vary widely, and it is up to the judge to make a determination as to which medical report the judge will rely on in making a determination as to whether the claimant is disabled. For example, one doctor may diagnose a claimant with a particular disability or number of disabilities, and another doctor may not arrive at the same diagnosis. In this case, it becomes the judge’s duty to read each of these doctor’s reports and evaluations and make a determination as to which opinion the judge will base their determination on and which evaluation or diagnosis has the most foundation in the evidence.

What is the Disability Determination Service?

The Disability Determination Service is the branch of the Social Security Administration that makes an initial determination as to whether a particular claimant is disabled based on the medical records, employment records, educational records, and other records that they receive regarding that particular claimant.

Disability Determination Services make the initial determination as to whether they feel that the claimant is disabled. If they make a determination that the claimant is not disabled and they advise the individual accordingly, they have the right to appeal that decision up to an actual hearing before an administrative law judge and even beyond. The initial determination of disabilities made by Disability Determination Services does not necessarily mean that it is the final determination regarding a person’s disability, but it is the initial determination regarding a claimant’s disability.

To learn more about treating doctor’s report in Denver SSDI cases, call a skilled and dedicated lawyer today.

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