Residual Functional Capacity in Denver Mental Health Disability Claims
Those living with mental impairments may be in need of certain benefits made unavailable to them by the SSA. Unfortunately, the SSA has made it difficult for those living with mental disabilities to obtain such benefits. However, there are avenues to obtain benefits.
If you or a loved one is in need of SSDI benefits, you may want to contact an experienced SSDI attorney for assistance. A lawyer could help with processing residual functional capacity in Denver mental health disability claims as well as assist with other legal matters pertaining to SSDI benefits.
Defining Mental Residual Functional Capacity
The SSA defines mental residual functional capacity as determined by the regulation and by the discretion of the specific administrative law judge. In some cases, a person’s mental health disorder is so severe that a judge would have no choice but to issue a favorable ruling. However, in many cases, the judge would be required to use their discretion based on how the case is presented to them. For more information about the residual functional capacity in Denver mental health disability claims, contact a lawyer.
Factors Used to Determine Residual Functional Capacity
When determining someone’s mental residual functional capacity, the SSA would look into any and all doctor’s notes and diagnoses of the claimant’s condition. The SSA would also look into someone’s work attempts and the success rate of those work attempts. The SSA would do this by also keeping in mind the regulations for that particular mental disorder.
How to Prove Residual Functional Capacity
In order to prove that a person has a mental residual functional capacity, medical records should be presented as evidence. For a successful claim, records should show that the person has attempted to overcome their mental impairment. It is crucial for individuals to regularly see a mental health professional in order to learn how to cope with their impairment and, to some extent, overcome their impairment.
Some individuals are prescribed medication to help them complete the tasks handed to them at their place of work. However, if a judge reviews a case and finds that a doctor prescribed medication to a person and that person is not regularly using their medication, it could negatively affect residual functional capacity in Denver mental health disability claims.
Furthermore, judges may investigate a person’s past and see if they attempted to undergo therapy. A judge would also examine whether therapy had a positive impact on a person.
How an Attorney Could Help
An attorney could help with residual functional capacity in Denver mental health disability claims case in several ways. One way an attorney could assist is to help a person create a medical record for those who do not have one. A lawyer would get in touch with a mental health provider in order to get this done. Once the record is completed, a person’s could likely obtain disability benefits.
If you or a loved one requires help in securing SSDI benefits but are finding it difficult due to mental impairment, contact an attorney today for legal assistance.